Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Four of Pentacles – Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

 The Four of Pentacles

Key Words) Possessiveness, Stability, Frugality, Stinginess, Clingy, Hoarding, Not willing to invest out of fear of loss, Holding on to the old and familiar, Pinching pennies, Greed, Budgeting, Protecting yourself

The Four of Pentacles depicts a man holding onto his pentacles with all his might. It is as though he is afraid to let go and lose the limited amount that he has.

The Four of Pentacles can indicate you will be in this sort of scarcity mentality where you feel you have limited resources so you desperately try to hold onto what you do have out of fear.

Your focus on conserving may be hindering your ability to fully enjoy and appreciate what you already have, or it may be blocking new opportunities from entering your life.

In any case, this card signifies difficulty in letting go and trusting the process. When the Four of Pentacles appears, ask yourself, what am I afraid to release?

It is very difficult for something to grow if we don’t let go. How can a child fully grow into their own person if their parents smother them. At some point their child must leave the nest and find their own way in life otherwise they are stay stuck in childhood forever.

Similarly, if we hold onto our pennies and don’t invest them sensibly into our projects or business, how can it grow into more money? Yes this could be a risk but if we don’t invest it sensibly, we cannot grow it either. If we close ourselves off from others because of fear, we also close ourselves off from experiencing love. The Four of Pentacles can be an indication that we are blocking opportunities coming in because of this mindset.


The Four of Pentacles can mean you have a scarcity mindset regarding your financial and material resources. You may fear not having enough so you become overly cautious with your money, counting every penny and saving excessively.

Seeing The Four of Pentacles crop up in a general reading can mean that your finances are, or will be tight in the future. It can indicate you may go through a period of financial scarcity so you may need to find ways to scrimp, budget and save to get by.


Seeing the Four of Pentacles appear in a love reading may indicate a few things. For one, it could mean that you are (or will be) involved with a partner who is very possessive of you.

I commonly see the Four of Pentacles represent partners who are very controlling. It can mean that you are, or will become involved with someone who wants to keep you all to themselves and watch and monitor your every move.

They may even attempt to control your dress, speech and try and prevent you from seeing other people. Seeing the Four of Pentacles can be a major red flag in this way so be cautious when you see this come up, especially if it appears with other cards such as the Knight of Swords.

The Four of Pentacles can also mean that you become involved with someone who is unwilling to open up to you. Whenever I see the imagery on The Four of Pentacles, I cannot help but notice that the figure is tightly crossing his arms where his chest is. It is like he is determined not to let anyone into his heart. This person you become involved with may be so frightened of getting hurt that you feel that you cannot get close to this person.

Alternatively, The Four of Pentacles may represent that you yourself are scared of opening up to others and getting hurt. You may actively reject potential partners, refuse to date or share your true feelings with anyone. You could block yourself off from experiencing great love due to this fear. Using your intuition will be key when coming up with the correct interpretation in your readings.


The Four of Pentacles usually means that the person you are inquiring about feels possessive toward you. It could mean that they feel quite needy and clingy and feel they need some reassurance you aren’t going to abandon them.

As mentioned above, seeing The Four of Pentacles may be a major red flag as it could indicate that your person will exhibit controlling behavior toward you. They may see you as ‘theirs’ and feel unwilling to share you with anyone else.

It could indicate that your person may even be afraid to open up to you and fully let you in emotionally. As we can see, the figure on the card is holding onto the pentacle right by his chest. This can indicate that your person is closing you off, and refusing to let you into their heart.

Seeing The Four of Pentacles can also be a sign that your person does not wish to progress your relationship further. They may delay committing to you or show signs that they do not wish to move ahead with your connection for now.


In a career reading, The Four of Pentacles can mean that you will experience stability in your career but a lack of growth. You may be so protective over your current position that you are scared to put any new ideas forward or trying out anything new for career growth. Perhaps taking a risk is advisable to experience growth in your career, especially if The Fool card comes out in an advisory position in your tarot spread.

Also, The Four of Pentacles may indicate that you are, or will be closing yourself off to others you work with (or those that work in your industry). You may be hesitant to work or share your ideas or plans with them as you may be concerned that someone will try and steal your ideas and take credit for them. While this may be a valid concern, closing yourself off to others could prevent any sort of collaboration opportunity.


The Four of Pentacles can indicate that you will be unwilling to invest money into your business which means it cannot grow. It can indicate you may be limited on funds and need to be frugal with your resources so expansion of your business does not look probable right now.

It could be because you are risk averse and are unwilling to invest your money into your business when necessary for growth. The Four of Pentacles may be encouraging you to invest in your business so that it can grow. After all you got to spend money to make money!

*(keep in mind to always consult professionals when making financial decisions).


Similarly, this card may indicate you are so unwilling to invest so there won’t be financial growth. It can indicate that you will be scrimping and saving and cutting back on expenditure for the foreseeable future. More positively, it can indicate that you will successfully save up a nice nest egg for yourself.

As a Blessing

As a blessing, The Four of Pentacles indicates that your ability to penny pinch and conserve resources will mean you are safe financially. You have saved your money so now you have something to fall back on in times of scarcity.

The Four of Pentacles can also predict that any investments you have made or will make in the future will pay off.

* Again, please consult a professional before making financial decisions.

As a Challenge

The Four of Pentacles as a challenge indicates that you are experiencing control issues. You may be trying hard to control a particular outcome and are so afraid to let go. Life is constantly fluctuating and changing, we cannot hold onto the same old situation whole lives, we need to let go of the old so the new can enter.

The Four of Pentacles may also indicate that you are so afraid of losing someone that you sabotage your relationship. You may constantly want someones assurance that they will stay so you may exert controlling behavior toward them. You may do this to the point that that they feel they cannot breathe or enjoy the relationship (or you yourself cannot fully enjoy it in the moment because you are too scared of losing them).

Conversely, it could represent that someone will show controlling and possessive behavior toward you. You feel as though you don’t have room to breathe because you are too busy trying to assure your partner.


More generally, The Four of Pentacles advises you to take a frugal approach with your resources and save your money. The Four of Pentacles also advises you to carefully invest your money into something as this could pay off. Using your intuition is key to knowing which meaning applies to you. Obviously, seeking the advice of a financial professional is advised here but this is what it could mean in a tarot reading.

The Four of Pentacles also advises you to cling to what you already have. For example, if you are inquiring about whether you should stay in a relationship, job or any other situation, the Four of Pentacles advises you to hold onto it.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The Four of Pentacles is typically a no but this does depend on the type of question you ask.

If you have asked whether you should invest your time, energy and resources into something or try something new, the answer is a no, not right now.

If you ask something like should you continue with your relationship, current job, the answer is yes, you ought to hold onto it for now.

When will it happen?

January 10th to January 19th

Reversed Interpretations

See reversal guide for reversed interpretations

Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The King of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations

The King of Swords

Key Words) Intellectual, Logical, Articulate, Straight to the point, Intelligent, Analytical, Using logic and reasoning over emotions, Emotionally detached, High principles, Using your head over your heart

The King of Swords symbolizes a person who is logical, intelligent and intellectual.  This card often represents an individual, usually older and likely male, who is or is like air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

The King of Swords possesses very admirable traits. He is highly intelligent, articulate and logical. However, he is can come across as emotionally detached, maybe even heartless.

The king of swords is the type of person who uses his head over his heart. If you want the honest to god truth, he is the sort of person you want to go to.

He won’t necessarily tell you what will make you feel good but he will tell you straight up facts! Even if the truth may hurt.

He is the archetypal strict and stern parent. He is good at providing structure and disciple but he probably won’t be good at showing his children affection.


If the King of Swords appears in a general context he may be advising you to use logic and reason over your feelings. Do what makes logical sense, even if your heart wants something else.

Seeing the King of Swords can also mean that someone who has similar attributes to them will make an appearance in your life soon. Depending on whether he appears in a positive or negative context, this can obviously be good or bad.

Positively, this person coming into your life may be better able to help you see things clearly. They may be an advisor and help you get a more objective look at what you need to do to see success. Negatively, this person may prove to be a stern or harsh influence in your life. They may hurt you by telling you cold hard truths you didn’t necessarily want to hear about yourself.

If you are in higher education (or perhaps some working in academia), seeing the King of Swords can be a rather positive sign. His appearance suggest that you will excel in your exams and you may even see academic recognition.


If you are single, the King of Swords can predict that you will meet someone or enter a relationship with someone who is cold and emotionally detached.

The King of Swords isn’t very emotionally supportive. You may become involved with someone who does not support you unconditionally. They value facts over feeling so may not always have your back if they see someone else as being in the right, even if you are noticeably upset by their behavior. They may even disregard your feelings. They may feel the need to tell you the truth, even if it hurts you.

Usually, it isn’t the best sign if you are looking for a loving, emotionally connected relationship as it suggests you may get involved with someone who cannot provide you with the affection and tenderness you crave.

Not everyone is a gooey romantic though. Perhaps you are an air sign or have air placements in your birth chart so in many ways, you yourself may be an emotionally detached lover.

Seeing the King of Swords crop up in a love reading may be a better sign if you like your space in a relationship and want to be with someone for more practical reasons. It can also indicate you may be with someone who you are intellectually compatible with. You may enjoy engaging in debates and discussions with them.


The King of Swords suggests the person you are asking about lacks feelings for you. Your person may feel emotionally detached from you.


It can be positive seeing the King of Swords in a career reading. Seeing him can mean that an advisor can help propel you in your career. Someone with a lot of expertise and experience can help you see where there are gaps in your knowledge and performance and help give you the advice you need to move forwards in your career.

However, seeing him crop up could indicate that someone in your workplace (like a boss or a manager) will hold you to very high standards. They may be harsh and critical toward you. While this can motivate you to improve your work, this may bring about feelings of inadequacy.

Also, I have seen the King of Swords symbolizing a family member who was putting pressure on them to pursue a specific career path. This person felt the need to go down this path to please them even though it didn’t feel right for them.

The King of Swords may indicate that there is someone in your life who is putting pressure on you in this way. If you see him come up for this sort of thing, you may need to ask yourself if you are making career choices for your highest and greatest good or if you are doing something just to please others.


Seeing the King of Swords in this context can indicate you ought to hire a consultant or advisor to help you grow your business. They can help you to identify any gaps in your knowlege and provide you with information on how you can improve your business.


Similarly, The King of Swords advises you to hire a financial advisor to help you improve your finances.

As a Blessing

The King of Swords means that you possess strong intellecutal abilities. Seeing him can indicate you will pass any exams or assesments with flying colours if you are enrolled in education.

Also, it can mean that there is someone around you who can help give you sound advice to help you get ahead in any professional or business endeavours.

As a Challenge

The King of Swords can mean that someone will behave coldly toward you. You may get involved with someone who is emotionally detached and harsh.

It may mean that you rationalize things so much that you have forgotten how to feel. You may be so concerned about doing what makes logical sense that you forget to listen to the more intuitive part of yourself.

Sometimes we need to make decisions that just don’t make logical sense because we intuitively feel something is right for us. Weighing things up too much and ignoring your gut could land you into trouble.


The King of Swords advises you to use logic and reason above all else. The best thing you can do right now is to weigh things up carefully. Do what makes the most logical sense, even if it goes against your hearts desires.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The King of Swords is a yes if your question relates to success in academics. For example ‘will I pass this exam?’. With your intelligence, you are capable of achieving your goals.

However, for other questions, the King of Swords typically depends on the context. For example, if you are asking if your career or business will be successful, the answer is a maybe, depending on whether you seek the input of an advisor.

For love questions for example ‘does he love me?’ the answer is a no.

When will it happen?

11th of May – 10th of June

Reversed Interpretations

See reversal guide for reversed interpretations


Don’t pull a ‘clarifier’ card when performing a tarot reading, pull out the book instead!

If you are a beginner in tarot, it’s common to ask your question, draw the cards, and then struggle to interpret their meaning. Many people turn to books or Google to find the right interpretation, even if they’ve been reading for years. And that’s totally fine.
In fact, I believe it can benefit you and actually help you become a more intuitive reader in the long run. So don’t be hard on yourself if you rely on external resources. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad reader or incapable of learning. Eventually, you’ll come across the “right” interpretation that resonates with you during this process anyhow.
There’s a common myth that reading from the book while doing a tarot reading is somehow a bad thing and disconnects you from your intuition. Many courses and teachers promote the idea of reading without relying on books as soon as possible. But why?
It’s funny because most people understand that learning from various tarot resources is essential, regardless of how long they’ve been reading. Yet, when you consult a book during a reading, it’s seen as wrong.
This doesn’t make sense. Of course, if you’re reading professionally and charging for your services, there’s an expectation to have a certain level of proficiency and be able to intuitively understand the cards. It’s understandable to aim for confidently interpreting the cards without relying on a book, especially in a professional setting.
However, when we are in the learning process and practicing readings for ourselves, friends, family, or anyone else, it is perfectly fine to refer to the book. There seems to be a lot of pressure to skip this phase nowadays, as if you should first memorize everything and then interpret the cards from memory.
Yes, reading this way may seem more impressive, but when you’re just starting out, it’s actually advisable to consult the book when performing readings. In doing so, this will expand your knowledge base.
Many tarot teachers advocate reading intuitively without the book. While it’s something to aspire to, it’s worth noting that the reason they can read intuitively without the book and you can’t is because they have accumulated a great deal of tarot knowledge and have years of experience reading for others.
Sometimes we forget how we started as beginners. They can say this because they are more advanced and have already developed the ability to read intuitively. However, you still need to go through the learning process, and there’s no shame in that!
It’s like telling someone who has never ridden a bike to just ride it and it will come naturally; it doesn’t work that way. If you know how to ride a bike, you do it intuitively, but if you’re a beginner, you need stabilizers and step-by-step instructions.
After practice, riding a bike becomes intuitive, but you would never dream of telling a beginner to just ride it. It’s the same when we tell others to just look at the cards and “let the message come to you.”
Unfortunately, if you are a beginner, you don’t have the knowledge and skills to do that yet. This is a process you have to go through to become an intuitive reader, and it’s not an overnight process by any means. It’s the “get rich quick scheme” of the tarot world, if you ask me.
You can’t just stare down the cards and wait for something to come to you and suddenly become an intuitive reader. Yes, anyone can pick up something by doing this, even if they’ve never read tarot before, but they won’t be as good as someone with more experience and knowledge.
Experts and novices think very differently from each other, which can be seen in virtually any field or profession. When faced with new problems, experts rely more on intuition, drawing on past experience and a wide array of knowledge they have acquired over the years. Novices, on the other hand, rely on their reasoning faculties and follow instructions rigidly.
There’s no shame in being a novice; it’s just part of the learning process. You become an intuitive reader when you advance in tarot; you don’t become a more advanced tarot reader by learning to read intuitively.
Intuition isn’t really a magical superpower. I believe in all sorts of weird, supernatural things, but intuition isn’t a magical ability. It is the ability to automatically know something based on accumulated patterns and knowledge over time.
Thus, it takes a lot of practice and study before one can read intuitively. This also means that even if you don’t consider yourself an intuitive reader or never will, if you have been practicing for a number of years, you become one by default.
There are things we can learn from more experienced readers or other experts to aid our learning process and help us reach their level. However, putting down the book during readings is not one of them. So don’t beat yourself up if you feel the need to refer to the book while you’re still learning.
In fact, not referring to it may actually hinder your learning. You will acquire important and relevant information that will stay with you if you take a moment to look up the possible meanings in the book.
I think the idea that pulling out the book during a reading is bad encourages a habit that is very detrimental to your learning, namely pulling “clarifier” cards. If you’re stuck on the meaning of a card, you might be tempted to draw another card to supposedly help clarify its meaning instead of turning to the book. Just a heads up: this doesn’t work.

Chances are, if you are still learning, you might not know how to interpret the next card that comes out. In this case, you might keep pulling cards until you draw one that you can interpret, if at all. However, this approach doesn’t actually teach you anything or help you gain a better understanding of the original card that was drawn.

It would be more beneficial to look up the meaning of the original card because doing so will allow you to learn something new about that specific card. This new knowledge will likely assist you in interpreting it the next time it appears in a reading.

Using “clarifiers” (NOT picking up the book) can hinder your progress in mastering tarot because they can prevent you from learning new meanings and alternative interpretations of the cards. The reason you feel the need for a “clarifier” is because you currently lack knowledge about that particular card. By consulting a book or other resources for its meaning, you can overcome this lack of knowledge and expand your understanding.

Don’t hold yourself to any impossible standard when you are just starting out (including being able to read intuitively). The next time you find yourself stuck during a reading, don’t hesitate to pick up a book or seek out other sources for guidance. Gradually, this habit will help you build up your knowledge and eventually enable you to perform more fluent and intuitive readings in the future.

Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Knight of Wands – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations


The Knight of Wands

Key Words) Adventurous, Bold, Rash, A ‘Player’, Passionate, Energetic, A ‘Go Getter’, A ‘Daredevil’

The knight of wands represents a brave and adventurous spirit. He boldly goes into the unknown and embraces new, exciting experiences. If the knight of wands appears, you may have some exciting adventures to look forward to!

The knight of wands can represent a young adult in your life (likely a male) who is (or is like) a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius)

As with all knights, he represents extremes in energy. As the knight of wands is associated with the element fire, he represents an extremely fiery person. He is someone who is very passionate, takes on as many projects as possible and may be at risk of burn out because of it!


The knight of wands means that you have some exciting adventures to look forward to. Perhaps you will be venturing to far off lands to explore.

Seeing him crop up can also mean someone who is like the knight of wands will enter your life soon. They may kick up a storm in your life and maybe they will sweep you off your feet. He may not be around for a long time though!


If the knight of wands crops up in a love reading, it means that you can expect to experience a whirlwind romance. The knight of wands is a bit of a player. You may enjoy being swept of your feet by them but you may find that this person is just seeking a fling. It can mean that this lover may quickly leave your life as they go onto the next fling.


The knight of wands means that your person is attracted to you, however, they may not want to commit to you. They would rather enjoy the moment with you (and…you know), not think about a long term commitment with you.


When the he crops up in a career reading, be prepared to take on a lot of responsibilities over the coming months. You may take on multiple jobs, work and career projects. This could lead to burn out if you aren’t careful.


The knight of wands means that you may recieve a flurry of orders if you own a business. If you set one up, it can mean that a rush of orders will come in. This is good in many ways but this could push you to the brink of exhaustion.


The Knight of Wands indicates you will be taking on more work or getting more business. If you are charging enough, this can mean that you earn a decent amount of money.

However, be careful about taking financial risks. You may be tempted to go for a new financial opportunity but this could backfire if you don’t do your research.

As a Blessing

As mentioned, seeing him crop up can indicate that you will experience a whilwind romance. If you are after a fling, this can be a lot of fun dating this new person!

It can also mean that you may be embarking on a new adventure or going travelling. You may experience a lot of exciting new things.

As a Challenge

Conversely, the knight of wands may predict that you will be left heartbroken by someone who comes into your life, sweeps you off your feet and then leaves you hanging.

Also, seeing him can mean that you are at risk of overextending yourself and then completely burning yourself out. Try not to overextend yourself too much otherwise this could lead to exhaution or perhaps even health problems. This attitude may also cause you to over promise then under deliver.

You also may be more inclined to take on risks that land you into trouble. Look before you leap and do your research before jumping right into something new.


The knight of wands advises you to be courageous and dive right into what you want to do. Don’t be afraid to explore unknown territories. Go for that job opporutnity you are afraid to do or go to the place you want to travel to. Take a risk, you never know where it may lead.

Yes, No or Maybe?

This depends on the context. The Knight of Wands can mean a yes for questions such as ‘should I go for it?’ but it may be a no if you are wondering if your person will commit to you.

When will it happen?

12th of July – 11th of August

Reversed Interpretations

See reversal guide for interpretations

Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Seven of Wands – Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Seven of Wands

Key Words) Going against the grain, Being ganged up on, Standing firm in your beliefs, Being challenged, Rebellious

The seven of wands symbolizes being attacked or even made a scapegoat because of your beliefs. The seven of swords depicts a ‘misfit’. As we can see on the imagery on the card, it is just him against whoever is holding the other six wands. It would seem that the man is doing something (or has maybe said something) that goes against the status quo. The seven of wands may crop up when you hold beliefs or practices that go against the norm and others are actively opposing them.

However, the man is fervently holding onto his wand and using it to fight against the other wands coming for him! He is not backing down and is standing firm in his convictions, despite the fact that others are against him. It can mean that you will be pursuing a path less taken, and you could feel frustrated or even victimized for choices.

Whenever I see this card, I think about my own career choices. I am self-employed and I am constantly challenged about my position. Lots of people I have come across have told me that I should ‘just get a normal job’ and will tell me I would be better of working for someone else. I have no interest in doing so which can create a very ‘seven of wands’ situation as I will happily defend  my career choices if needs be!

Have you ever done something or believed in something that led to you being ganged up on or feeling alienated. Perhaps you like to dress differently to how others do around you or maybe you were brought up following a particular religion but started to question certain practices which led to others going against you. These sorts of situations represent the energy of the seven of wands.


The seven of swords foresees that any future action you take will be met with resistance from others.

For instance, you may desire to be in a loving relationship with someone, but your family disapproves of them or the lifestyle you share.

You may aspire to pursue a specific job, romantic interest or, perhaps spiritual practice, but others around you discourage you. You will not receive support, but persecution.


For those in a relationship, it can mean that you will engage in power struggles and disagreements with your partner. The Seven of Wands predicts that your relationship will be filled with conflict and drama.

If this does not represent conflict between you and a partner, The Seven of Wands may predict that others may interfere in your relationship. They may try instigating conflicts between you, (perhaps by spreading false rumors about you).

If you’re single, The Seven of Wands means you may experience challenges dating others. You may find that those you date hold too different views so you can’t get along. It could indicate that you may become involved with someone who deliberately tries to provoke you or cause drama.


The person you are asking about feels that you are too difficult to get along with. It can indicate your person wants to get away from you because they see you as problematic.

Your person may feel defensive as well. They may believe you are always critical of them and feel a need to defend themselves against you.


The seven of wands signifies that you will need to fight to achieve success in your career. While it may indicate your passionate pursuit of your dreams, you will continuously have to prove yourself and demonstrate your abilities against others in order to establish yourself.

You may possess excellent ideas and aspirations, but others may doubt your ability to achieve them or even mock you for having such ambitions. It may seem like nobody around you believes in you.

However, if you persistently push, fight, and work hard, you will accomplish your goals. Let the seven of wands serve as motivation for you to continue striving to transform your dreams into reality.


Your competitors may try to call you out of discredit you get ahead in their own business. Your competitors will do their best to drag yours (and your business’ name) in the mud.

Your rivals will go to great lengths to undermine the credibility of your products, services, and business values, all in an effort to make a sale. They will attempt to convince potential customers that what they offer is superior to yours.

However, don’t let this discourage you. Remember that you, just like everyone else, have something unique to offer. Stay confident in yourself and your business. Use advertising campaigns to show why others should choose your products or services over your competitors.

The seven of wands emphasizes the importance of continuous promotion and presenting your business in the best possible way to attract customers.


The seven of wands predicts you will be fighting for financial security or a struggle to uphold your existing finances.

If you are an entrepreneur, you will need to discover innovative and clever methods to promote your products and services. This may prove to be challenging.

The seven of wands indicates that if you want a salary increase, you need to demonstrate your worthiness against your colleagues.

As a Blessing

The seven of wands signifies that you have unwavering determination and refuse to compromise on your beliefs and values. You are good at standing your ground.

The seven of wands suggests that you doggedly uphold your convictions. You are willing to fight for what you believe in no matter what others think and say. This can make others respect you.

As a Challenge

The seven of wands suggests that you may encounter opposition from others who seek to undermine you. It may seem like the whole world is against you.

You may experience a lack of support from those around you. Other individuals may express disapproval of your values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices. You might be tempted to give up on them to keep the peace.


The advice of the seven of wands is to firmly hold your ground and defend your beliefs, even in the face of opposition.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The Seven of Wands is usually a no.

When will it happen?

August 12th to August 22nd

Reversed Interpretations

Refer to the guide for reversals for help with interpretations.


How Do Tarot Cards Actually Work?

How Do Tarot Cards Actually Work?

I came across a fellow readers website the other day. I must admit their selling strategy slightly offended me. Tarot readings are growing in popularity and there is so much competition nowadays it is no wonder people feel a need to screw over their rivals to earn some $.

Anyways, this readers selling tactic made a claim that readers who use tarot cards are scam artists and buyers should be wary of purchasing from them (to avoid being scammed).

This is kinda a bummer that even people in the psychic/spiritual industry are against tarot cards. We are misunderstood by a lot of society as a whole as being scam artists and not to mention many religious groups.

We might have naively thought we would be accepted in the spiritual community with open arms. Nope. Apparently not.

I have to admit their selling tactic irritated me a little because not only was this sneaky and underhand, it perpetuates the idea that all tarot card readers are scam artists (which is obviously false).

It did get me thinking about how tarot cards actually work though.

The mistake in the way this reader conveyed tarot cards was that it is cheating to use them. That they are a magical object that can give you all the answers without any work, effort or skill involved.

This is factually incorrect. Tarot cards do not work by some sort of magic. They don’t give you the answers. Do you want to know how they really work? Its you.

You see. It is not actually the cards giving you the answers. It may seem like is but it is not actually the cards themselves. You would be able to get answers from anything. Tealeaves. A sofa cushion. A brick. These mundane objects wouldn’t be described as being magical and neither should tarot cards.

It is you that derives a meaningful message from spirit by using these tools. These objects act as a mere trigger for your inherent psychic prowess. Tarot cards is just one way you can do this. You can test this yourself and prove it is not the tarot cards that give you answers.

Close your eyes, ask a question and see what comes to mind. You may see something in your minds eye or have something come to memory and you will find that you will be accurate in your predictions.

The way tarot cards work is through a combination of intuition, symbolism, and interpretation. When a person draws a card or multiple cards from the deck, they are essentially tapping into their subconscious mind and the collective unconscious.

The images on the cards serve as powerful symbols that can trigger insights and messages from within.

The reader then interprets the meaning of the cards based on their knowledge of tarot symbolism and their intuition.

Each card has multiple layers of meaning, allowing for different interpretations depending on the context of the reading.

Tarot cards are just one way we can read others. Your ability to do so does not depend on you having a pack of tarot cards, you have innate intuitive abilities which allows you to do so.

So, using tarot cards does not make you less than readers who use any other method so don’t let anyone discourage your practice if you feel called to use tarot!

Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Four of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations

Four of Swords

Key Words) Respite, Taking a break, Recuperation, Retreat

The four of swords suggests that you are battle weary and in desperate need of a break. This card signifies that you have pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion and now it’s time to take a well-deserved pause and recharge your batteries.

We all know that feeling of being energetically drained after being immersed in a high-pressure and overstimulating environment, and this is precisely what this card symbolizes.

Think about those moments when you’ve pushed yourself to put in extra hours at work, when you’ve gone to countless social events and absorbed the energy of those around you.

Now, you are left feeling completely drained, craving solitude, and have the desire to disconnect from the outside world, to not utter a word or engage in anything.


The four of swords suggests that you will enter a quiet phase in your life. This a good sign if you’ve been experiencing a lot of chaos in your life. You will finally have some much-needed time for yourself!


If you happen to be single, the four of swords suggests that you will continue to be for the foreseeable future. It indicates that you will be taking some time out away from the dating scene. That’s not to say you won’t enjoy your own company but you may not be very active in your love life for now.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Seeing the Four of Swords crop up can mean that some time out is just what you need. It can help you come to a better understanding about your own desires and needs. This in turn can help you attract a desirable partner in the future. Also, being single gives you a sense of freedom. You can live life on your own terms!

However, if you are craving companionship seeing the four of swords isn’t exactly the best sign to see as it does indicate you will be alone for the forseeable future.

I have seen the Four of Swords crop up when someone feels fed up of dating as well. It can mean that you have been on your fair share of failed dates that you are taking the initiaive and are actively taking yourself out of the dating scene.

If you happen to be in a relationship, you or your partner may decide to take a break from one another. Remember, this break may only be temporary and it may actually help to strengthen your relationship.


Whoever you are asking about wants to take a break from you. This does not indicate a lack of love, but rather a need for some personal space at the moment.

They may be feeling overwhelmed or irritated by your presence, and simply want some time to themselves. Alternatively, they might be feeling lost in the relationship and want to reconnect with their own identity.

Remember the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. With some time and space apart, their feelings may grow.


The Four of Swords predicts that you will push yourself to the point of burnout. It indicates that you will need to take a much-needed rest after overworking yourself. Instead of focusing on your career goals, you will have to take some time off to prioritize self-care.


There may be a lull in your business. Sales may slow or come to a stop entirely. This may or may not be self-imposed. It could indicate that you have taken on more than you can handle so you burn yourself out to the point of exhaustion. Your business won’t grow for the foreseeable future while you recuperate.


You may be too exhausted to try and earn money. You may not have the energy to put yourself out there and hustle as you have pushed yourself too hard. Spending time alone doing nothing at home or in nature will build up your energy reserves.

This is nothing to feel bad about, the four of swords is a sign you have overdone it and now you have no leftover energy to try and earn right. You cannot pour from an empty cup nor are you a robot. After a period of rest, you will have the vigor to hustle.

As a Blessing

You will experience some much needed tranquility and peace after a stressful period. Taking a break will heal you, boost your energy and make you feel more like yourself again.

You won’t need to worry about experiencing any unnecessary stress or drama, peace and quiet will be a theme in your life.

The four of swords is a sign that all will be well after a break. If you are concerned about the future of a relationship or career path, you need not be as all you need is to take a break from this person or situation and all will resolve on their own accord.

As a Challenge

You will feel a sense of lethargy and exhaustion. The four of swords is a sign you have worked to the point of burn out and have no fuel left in the engine, figuratively speaking.

You may want to put yourself out there and date, work on your career or whatever else but you are mentally and physically drained and cannot do so.

The four of swords can predict illness or hospitalization. However, I would be cautious when making health predictions, tarot is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


The Four of Swords advises you to take a much-needed rest. Whether it’s from work, a business project, or a relationship, you must acknowledge that you’re pushing yourself too hard. Failure and burnout are inevitable if you continue to neglect self-care and don’t take some time for yourself.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The four of swords is a maybe. You need to give this issue some space.

When will it happen?

13th-22nd of October

Reversed Interpretations

Refer to the guide for reversals for help with interpretations.


Are there questions we should avoid asking the tarot?

Are there questions we should avoid asking the tarot?

Tarot cards are an incredible tool that can uncover valuable information that might otherwise remain hidden. Sure, the library may have volumes on volumes of books, but those books can’t give you a clear “yes” or “no” answer, and they certainly can’t predict the future or tell you how your lover feels. Some people might argue, “Well, isn’t the uncertainty what makes life exciting?” but I don’t necessarily agree. What if you want to be prepared for what’s to come? What if your significant other isn’t exactly truthful with you? What if a straight-up “yes” or “no” answer is exactly what you need?

That’s where tarot comes in. In my personal experience, tarot has been a reliable source of truth and insight. Of course, it’s not a foolproof method, but then, neither is the weather forecast, and that doesn’t stop us from checking it! Asking the tarot may have its limitations, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide what questions to ask. Nobody should tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing with your tarot cards.

Perhaps you’ve had a fantastic experience with tarot in the past and feel inspired to tell others to use tarot for self-improvement, rather than relying on it to predict the future. It’s wonderful that you have had this experience and wish to help others. However, it can be problematic to impose your personal beliefs and ideals on others.

Introducing new ways of practicing tarot is great, but dictating what others should or should not do is not. It’s vital to remember that what works for you may not work for everyone else.

While the tarot can guide us towards achieving something, it’s not a guarantee that the advice will be beneficial. We have free will and are free to decide whether we want to follow the guidance or not. Emotional, mental, and spiritual readiness play a significant role. We may not be, and shouldn’t be judged for not being ready to make changes. Sometimes the tarot suggests something that doesn’t align with our nature or goes against our moral code, and we may not follow it.

When it comes to predicting with tarot, one might ask, “But wait, don’t we have free will?” After all, some people believe that the future is not predetermined. However, the debate between free will and determinism has been ongoing for quite some time without a universal consensus. While some may believe that the future is fixed, or at least partially so, others turn to tarot to confirm what may come to pass and prepare themselves mentally for upcoming events, or sometimes even attempt to change them according to their beliefs.

As for “morally questionable” questions (I.e. reading for third parties), it is not your place, nor anyone else’s, to force moral beliefs on others. Therefore, it’s best to adhere to your moral compass and decide for yourself regarding the reading of others’ lives or feelings. If you think it’s always inappropriate, avoid it. If you think it’s appropriate, proceed.

Some people say that tarot isn’t fit for yes or no questions. However, while tarot is great at answering open-ended questions, it can provide a yes or no answer. I’ve even witnessed and personally used tarot for answering such questions.

It’s important to acknowledge that some people simply want a yes or no answer, without the need or desire for further details. Tarot can provide these answers and it’s crucial to respect the individual’s right to block out any information they don’t wish to know.

Let’s say you’re curious whether or not you’ll pass an exam. In this moment, you may just want a straightforward answer – either a yes or a no. You may not need or want a lengthy explanation on the exam itself, just the outcome.

Some may argue that it would be better to receive guidance on how to pass the exam to the best of your ability. But not everyone feels this way. What if the tarot advises cheating, which is not an option for you? Or study hard when you simply don’t have the time or energy? Sometimes it’s nice to have a clear indication of your chances, and then seek guidance on how to proceed accordingly. So yes, answering these questions with tarot is possible and can be quite helpful!

The beauty of the tarot is that there truly are no right or wrong questions to ask. It’s all about following your heart’s intuition and seeking the knowledge you want to know in that moment. Whether you’re looking for guidance or simply curious, the tarot is a resource that is available to you. We all have the freedom to inquire about whatever information we desire to know using the tarot, and this intellectual and spiritual freedom is truly a beautiful thing.