
How do they really feel about you? A Tarot Spread

This is a tarot spread to help you reveal how your person really feels about you. If you are getting mixed messages from your crush, your partner or whoever else, this spread is perfect to help reveal how they truly feel about you.

I will go through each position one by one to help you understand what each position means along with a sample reading to help you with your own interpretations 🙂


1) What they show you

This position indicates how your person of interest outwardly treats you. This shows what feelings they have directly expressed to you. This doesn’t necessarily show you how they truly feel about you as this could just be facade they put on. You will need to look to other cards in the spread to infer whether this is the case or not.

With the ten of cups, your person tells shows great interest in starting up a home and family with you. They tell you they would like to be with you forever.


2) Their hidden feelings for you

This shows you how your person truly feels about you. It reveals what feelings are bubbling under the surface. These are feelings which they don’t outwardly express toward you. This could be because they are not consciously aware of their true feelings or are simply too scared to tell you.

With justice here, your person feels emotionally disconnected from you. They are not as emotionally attached as they appear. Your person wants to get married (or become ‘official’), but only to enhance their status.


3) Do they like you?

Quite simply, this position indicates whether your person actually likes you or not.

With the seven of swords, your person does not genuinely like you and is hiding how they truly feel about you. This confirms that your person does not like you for you but sees you as someone who can enhance their social standing.



4) What do they want from this connection?

This reveals what they truly want from you. This will help you understand why they want to associate with you in the first place. Are they using you? Do they genuinely just enjoy your company? Do they truly want to be with you?

With the knight of cups, your person wants to act like a knight in shining armor to win you over. This could be a favorable card in this position but because of the other cards in the spread, this tells me that they would like to win you over for the wrong reasons (to enhance their status).