
How Do Tarot Cards Actually Work?

How Do Tarot Cards Actually Work?

I came across a fellow readers website the other day. I must admit their selling strategy slightly offended me. Tarot readings are growing in popularity and there is so much competition nowadays it is no wonder people feel a need to screw over their rivals to earn some $.

Anyways, this readers selling tactic made a claim that readers who use tarot cards are scam artists and buyers should be wary of purchasing from them (to avoid being scammed).

This is kinda a bummer that even people in the psychic/spiritual industry are against tarot cards. We are misunderstood by a lot of society as a whole as being scam artists and not to mention many religious groups.

We might have naively thought we would be accepted in the spiritual community with open arms. Nope. Apparently not.

I have to admit their selling tactic irritated me a little because not only was this sneaky and underhand, it perpetuates the idea that all tarot card readers are scam artists (which is obviously false).

It did get me thinking about how tarot cards actually work though.

The mistake in the way this reader conveyed tarot cards was that it is cheating to use them. That they are a magical object that can give you all the answers without any work, effort or skill involved.

This is factually incorrect. Tarot cards do not work by some sort of magic. They don’t give you the answers. Do you want to know how they really work? Its you.

You see. It is not actually the cards giving you the answers. It may seem like is but it is not actually the cards themselves. You would be able to get answers from anything. Tealeaves. A sofa cushion. A brick. These mundane objects wouldn’t be described as being magical and neither should tarot cards.

It is you that derives a meaningful message from spirit by using these tools. These objects act as a mere trigger for your inherent psychic prowess. Tarot cards is just one way you can do this. You can test this yourself and prove it is not the tarot cards that give you answers.

Close your eyes, ask a question and see what comes to mind. You may see something in your minds eye or have something come to memory and you will find that you will be accurate in your predictions.

The way tarot cards work is through a combination of intuition, symbolism, and interpretation. When a person draws a card or multiple cards from the deck, they are essentially tapping into their subconscious mind and the collective unconscious.

The images on the cards serve as powerful symbols that can trigger insights and messages from within.

The reader then interprets the meaning of the cards based on their knowledge of tarot symbolism and their intuition.

Each card has multiple layers of meaning, allowing for different interpretations depending on the context of the reading.

Tarot cards are just one way we can read others. Your ability to do so does not depend on you having a pack of tarot cards, you have innate intuitive abilities which allows you to do so.

So, using tarot cards does not make you less than readers who use any other method so don’t let anyone discourage your practice if you feel called to use tarot!

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