Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Hanged Man – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations

The Hanged Man

Key Words ) Sacrifice, Gaining a new perspective, Uncertainty

The hanged man represents being in a state of ‘limbo’. Think of times when you are unable to move forward because you are waiting for answers from someone. It means you will be left ‘hanging’ so to speak.

To me, seeing the hanged man is the absolute worst. Even if the answer is no, I would rather know the truth than be in a perpetual state of suspense. In fact, I would rather experience a ‘tower moment’ than be in the energy of the hanged man. That is just my personal preference though 🙂

The hanged man means you will need to make a sacrifice to make something work. Perhaps you will need to give up a part of yourself to make a relationship work with someone you love. Perhaps you will need to give up an hour of your free time so you can build a successful business.

To understand the hanged man, think about the times when you have felt stuck because you were waiting on an answer from someone. Has a lover ever told you they need time and space to think about things? Think about when you had to sacrifice yourself in some way in order to get what you want (I.e a person, job role etc.). That is the energy of the hanged man.


The hanged man indicates you will be left ‘hanging’. This card is a sign that you won’t be able to move forwards just yet because you will first need to wait for answers.

You may be waiting for an answer from your lover because they need time to think about the relationship. You could be waiting to receive examination results before you make plans to go on to the next stage of your education. The hanged man indicates you won’t have all the answers yet. This means that you will feel stuck for a while before you can make a choice.


The hanged man can mean that you will need to give up parts of yourself so you can be with (or attract) someone else. You feel you need to suppress personality traits or abandon your values just to make the relationship work.

The hanged man can mean that if you are with someone, they will get cold feet. They may put the whole relationship on pause because they will suddenly feel uncertain about you. This might not necessarily be permanent but they may need time to think about this connection before moving forwards.

If you are dating, the hanged man could be a sign you will be stood up by someone.

It could be you that pulls the plug though. Look to spread positions and use your intuition to make a judgement about this.


As feelings, the hanged man is a sign that they feel uncertain about you. They don’t know what direction they want this relationship to go.

It means that they do not want to make a serious commitment with you right now. They need time to think about things before moving forwards with you.

This card can indicate that your person resents you because they feel they make too many sacrifices for you. They feel they cannot be themselves just so they can make you happy.


The hanged man indicates that you will be at a crossroads in your career. You will feel uncertain about the current career path you are on so you will need to take a step backward to assess how you are going to move forwards.

The hanged man can indicate that you may need to take some time out to help you reignite your passion or to help you solve a problem that you are stuck on.

The card can also mean that you will be required to put in more hours working to see results i.e getting that promotion.


If you are in a business partnership with someone, the hanged man can be a sign that they will pull out of any business plans that they make with you. If the hanged man appears, it would be wise not to make too many plans or investments with them because they may not be able to move forwards with your plans. The hanged man can be a sign it is best to wait to see how things unfold before making any business plans with them.

Seeing the hanged man here may indicate that you need to make sacrifices for your business to succeed. I.e. you may need to stay up later or get up earlier or give up a hobby so you have time to work on your business and see the success you’re after.

The hanged man could also be advising you to take some time out from your business to gain a new perspective. You may be so engrossed in your work that you are failing to see solutions to your problems. Taking some time out will help you see things from a new angle and allow you to solve the problems you are facing.

You may need to gain a new perspective from someone else. The hanged man advises you to ask for another persons advice to help you solve business related problems as well.


The hanged man can be a sign that you are coming up to a time where your budget is tighter. You will need to think about cutting back on your expenditure. You may not be able to afford as many ‘luxuries’ as you usually would.

As a blessing

The hanged man indicates you will gain a fresh new perspective which will help you solve any problems you have been facing. The hanged man is a sign that you will be able to see a new way of doing things which will get you out of the rut you are in.

As a challenge

The hanged man means that you will need to make sacrifices that you won’t like. It can also mean that you will be left in a state of uncertainty or suspense as you wait for answers (which obviously isn’t pleasant!).

As advice

The hanged man advises you to take some time out. You are currently swept up in the drama and madness of life so you are unable to see a way out. Taking some time to yourself, meditating or walking in nature will help you gain a new perspective which will enable you to solve problems and move forwards.

Yes, No or Maybe?

Maybe, although sometimes a no, this depends on the context.

Timing/When will it happen?

18th February – March 20th (Sun in Pisces)

The Hanged Man can also mean the timing is unknown. There are too many variables hanging in the balance so you must wait for things to unfold.

Reversed Interpretations

Refer to the guide for reversals for help with interpretations.