
Are there questions we should avoid asking the tarot?

Are there questions we should avoid asking the tarot?

Tarot cards are an incredible tool that can uncover valuable information that might otherwise remain hidden. Sure, the library may have volumes on volumes of books, but those books can’t give you a clear “yes” or “no” answer, and they certainly can’t predict the future or tell you how your lover feels. Some people might argue, “Well, isn’t the uncertainty what makes life exciting?” but I don’t necessarily agree. What if you want to be prepared for what’s to come? What if your significant other isn’t exactly truthful with you? What if a straight-up “yes” or “no” answer is exactly what you need?

That’s where tarot comes in. In my personal experience, tarot has been a reliable source of truth and insight. Of course, it’s not a foolproof method, but then, neither is the weather forecast, and that doesn’t stop us from checking it! Asking the tarot may have its limitations, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide what questions to ask. Nobody should tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing with your tarot cards.

Perhaps you’ve had a fantastic experience with tarot in the past and feel inspired to tell others to use tarot for self-improvement, rather than relying on it to predict the future. It’s wonderful that you have had this experience and wish to help others. However, it can be problematic to impose your personal beliefs and ideals on others.

Introducing new ways of practicing tarot is great, but dictating what others should or should not do is not. It’s vital to remember that what works for you may not work for everyone else.

While the tarot can guide us towards achieving something, it’s not a guarantee that the advice will be beneficial. We have free will and are free to decide whether we want to follow the guidance or not. Emotional, mental, and spiritual readiness play a significant role. We may not be, and shouldn’t be judged for not being ready to make changes. Sometimes the tarot suggests something that doesn’t align with our nature or goes against our moral code, and we may not follow it.

When it comes to predicting with tarot, one might ask, “But wait, don’t we have free will?” After all, some people believe that the future is not predetermined. However, the debate between free will and determinism has been ongoing for quite some time without a universal consensus. While some may believe that the future is fixed, or at least partially so, others turn to tarot to confirm what may come to pass and prepare themselves mentally for upcoming events, or sometimes even attempt to change them according to their beliefs.

As for “morally questionable” questions (I.e. reading for third parties), it is not your place, nor anyone else’s, to force moral beliefs on others. Therefore, it’s best to adhere to your moral compass and decide for yourself regarding the reading of others’ lives or feelings. If you think it’s always inappropriate, avoid it. If you think it’s appropriate, proceed.

Some people say that tarot isn’t fit for yes or no questions. However, while tarot is great at answering open-ended questions, it can provide a yes or no answer. I’ve even witnessed and personally used tarot for answering such questions.

It’s important to acknowledge that some people simply want a yes or no answer, without the need or desire for further details. Tarot can provide these answers and it’s crucial to respect the individual’s right to block out any information they don’t wish to know.

Let’s say you’re curious whether or not you’ll pass an exam. In this moment, you may just want a straightforward answer – either a yes or a no. You may not need or want a lengthy explanation on the exam itself, just the outcome.

Some may argue that it would be better to receive guidance on how to pass the exam to the best of your ability. But not everyone feels this way. What if the tarot advises cheating, which is not an option for you? Or study hard when you simply don’t have the time or energy? Sometimes it’s nice to have a clear indication of your chances, and then seek guidance on how to proceed accordingly. So yes, answering these questions with tarot is possible and can be quite helpful!

The beauty of the tarot is that there truly are no right or wrong questions to ask. It’s all about following your heart’s intuition and seeking the knowledge you want to know in that moment. Whether you’re looking for guidance or simply curious, the tarot is a resource that is available to you. We all have the freedom to inquire about whatever information we desire to know using the tarot, and this intellectual and spiritual freedom is truly a beautiful thing.