Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Four of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations

Four of Swords

Key Words) Respite, Taking a break, Recuperation, Retreat

The four of swords suggests that you are battle weary and in desperate need of a break. This card signifies that you have pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion and now it’s time to take a well-deserved pause and recharge your batteries.

We all know that feeling of being energetically drained after being immersed in a high-pressure and overstimulating environment, and this is precisely what this card symbolizes.

Think about those moments when you’ve pushed yourself to put in extra hours at work, when you’ve gone to countless social events and absorbed the energy of those around you.

Now, you are left feeling completely drained, craving solitude, and have the desire to disconnect from the outside world, to not utter a word or engage in anything.


The four of swords suggests that you will enter a quiet phase in your life. This a good sign if you’ve been experiencing a lot of chaos in your life. You will finally have some much-needed time for yourself!


If you happen to be single, the four of swords suggests that you will continue to be for the foreseeable future. It indicates that you will be taking some time out away from the dating scene. That’s not to say you won’t enjoy your own company but you may not be very active in your love life for now.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Seeing the Four of Swords crop up can mean that some time out is just what you need. It can help you come to a better understanding about your own desires and needs. This in turn can help you attract a desirable partner in the future. Also, being single gives you a sense of freedom. You can live life on your own terms!

However, if you are craving companionship seeing the four of swords isn’t exactly the best sign to see as it does indicate you will be alone for the forseeable future.

I have seen the Four of Swords crop up when someone feels fed up of dating as well. It can mean that you have been on your fair share of failed dates that you are taking the initiaive and are actively taking yourself out of the dating scene.

If you happen to be in a relationship, you or your partner may decide to take a break from one another. Remember, this break may only be temporary and it may actually help to strengthen your relationship.


Whoever you are asking about wants to take a break from you. This does not indicate a lack of love, but rather a need for some personal space at the moment.

They may be feeling overwhelmed or irritated by your presence, and simply want some time to themselves. Alternatively, they might be feeling lost in the relationship and want to reconnect with their own identity.

Remember the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. With some time and space apart, their feelings may grow.


The Four of Swords predicts that you will push yourself to the point of burnout. It indicates that you will need to take a much-needed rest after overworking yourself. Instead of focusing on your career goals, you will have to take some time off to prioritize self-care.


There may be a lull in your business. Sales may slow or come to a stop entirely. This may or may not be self-imposed. It could indicate that you have taken on more than you can handle so you burn yourself out to the point of exhaustion. Your business won’t grow for the foreseeable future while you recuperate.


You may be too exhausted to try and earn money. You may not have the energy to put yourself out there and hustle as you have pushed yourself too hard. Spending time alone doing nothing at home or in nature will build up your energy reserves.

This is nothing to feel bad about, the four of swords is a sign you have overdone it and now you have no leftover energy to try and earn right. You cannot pour from an empty cup nor are you a robot. After a period of rest, you will have the vigor to hustle.

As a Blessing

You will experience some much needed tranquility and peace after a stressful period. Taking a break will heal you, boost your energy and make you feel more like yourself again.

You won’t need to worry about experiencing any unnecessary stress or drama, peace and quiet will be a theme in your life.

The four of swords is a sign that all will be well after a break. If you are concerned about the future of a relationship or career path, you need not be as all you need is to take a break from this person or situation and all will resolve on their own accord.

As a Challenge

You will feel a sense of lethargy and exhaustion. The four of swords is a sign you have worked to the point of burn out and have no fuel left in the engine, figuratively speaking.

You may want to put yourself out there and date, work on your career or whatever else but you are mentally and physically drained and cannot do so.

The four of swords can predict illness or hospitalization. However, I would be cautious when making health predictions, tarot is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


The Four of Swords advises you to take a much-needed rest. Whether it’s from work, a business project, or a relationship, you must acknowledge that you’re pushing yourself too hard. Failure and burnout are inevitable if you continue to neglect self-care and don’t take some time for yourself.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The four of swords is a maybe. You need to give this issue some space.

When will it happen?

13th-22nd of October

Reversed Interpretations

Refer to the guide for reversals for help with interpretations.

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