Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Knight of Wands – Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretations


The Knight of Wands

Key Words) Adventurous, Bold, Rash, A ‘Player’, Passionate, Energetic, A ‘Go Getter’, A ‘Daredevil’

The knight of wands represents a brave and adventurous spirit. He boldly goes into the unknown and embraces new, exciting experiences. If the knight of wands appears, you may have some exciting adventures to look forward to!

The knight of wands can represent a young adult in your life (likely a male) who is (or is like) a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius)

As with all knights, he represents extremes in energy. As the knight of wands is associated with the element fire, he represents an extremely fiery person. He is someone who is very passionate, takes on as many projects as possible and may be at risk of burn out because of it!


The knight of wands means that you have some exciting adventures to look forward to. Perhaps you will be venturing to far off lands to explore.

Seeing him crop up can also mean someone who is like the knight of wands will enter your life soon. They may kick up a storm in your life and maybe they will sweep you off your feet. He may not be around for a long time though!


If the knight of wands crops up in a love reading, it means that you can expect to experience a whirlwind romance. The knight of wands is a bit of a player. You may enjoy being swept of your feet by them but you may find that this person is just seeking a fling. It can mean that this lover may quickly leave your life as they go onto the next fling.


The knight of wands means that your person is attracted to you, however, they may not want to commit to you. They would rather enjoy the moment with you (and…you know), not think about a long term commitment with you.


When the he crops up in a career reading, be prepared to take on a lot of responsibilities over the coming months. You may take on multiple jobs, work and career projects. This could lead to burn out if you aren’t careful.


The knight of wands means that you may recieve a flurry of orders if you own a business. If you set one up, it can mean that a rush of orders will come in. This is good in many ways but this could push you to the brink of exhaustion.


The Knight of Wands indicates you will be taking on more work or getting more business. If you are charging enough, this can mean that you earn a decent amount of money.

However, be careful about taking financial risks. You may be tempted to go for a new financial opportunity but this could backfire if you don’t do your research.

As a Blessing

As mentioned, seeing him crop up can indicate that you will experience a whilwind romance. If you are after a fling, this can be a lot of fun dating this new person!

It can also mean that you may be embarking on a new adventure or going travelling. You may experience a lot of exciting new things.

As a Challenge

Conversely, the knight of wands may predict that you will be left heartbroken by someone who comes into your life, sweeps you off your feet and then leaves you hanging.

Also, seeing him can mean that you are at risk of overextending yourself and then completely burning yourself out. Try not to overextend yourself too much otherwise this could lead to exhaution or perhaps even health problems. This attitude may also cause you to over promise then under deliver.

You also may be more inclined to take on risks that land you into trouble. Look before you leap and do your research before jumping right into something new.


The knight of wands advises you to be courageous and dive right into what you want to do. Don’t be afraid to explore unknown territories. Go for that job opporutnity you are afraid to do or go to the place you want to travel to. Take a risk, you never know where it may lead.

Yes, No or Maybe?

This depends on the context. The Knight of Wands can mean a yes for questions such as ‘should I go for it?’ but it may be a no if you are wondering if your person will commit to you.

When will it happen?

12th of July – 11th of August

Reversed Interpretations

See reversal guide for interpretations

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