Tarot Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Seven of Wands – Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

The Seven of Wands

Key Words) Going against the grain, Being ganged up on, Standing firm in your beliefs, Being challenged, Rebellious

The seven of wands symbolizes being attacked or even made a scapegoat because of your beliefs. The seven of swords depicts a ‘misfit’. As we can see on the imagery on the card, it is just him against whoever is holding the other six wands. It would seem that the man is doing something (or has maybe said something) that goes against the status quo. The seven of wands may crop up when you hold beliefs or practices that go against the norm and others are actively opposing them.

However, the man is fervently holding onto his wand and using it to fight against the other wands coming for him! He is not backing down and is standing firm in his convictions, despite the fact that others are against him. It can mean that you will be pursuing a path less taken, and you could feel frustrated or even victimized for choices.

Whenever I see this card, I think about my own career choices. I am self-employed and I am constantly challenged about my position. Lots of people I have come across have told me that I should ‘just get a normal job’ and will tell me I would be better of working for someone else. I have no interest in doing so which can create a very ‘seven of wands’ situation as I will happily defend  my career choices if needs be!

Have you ever done something or believed in something that led to you being ganged up on or feeling alienated. Perhaps you like to dress differently to how others do around you or maybe you were brought up following a particular religion but started to question certain practices which led to others going against you. These sorts of situations represent the energy of the seven of wands.


The seven of swords foresees that any future action you take will be met with resistance from others.

For instance, you may desire to be in a loving relationship with someone, but your family disapproves of them or the lifestyle you share.

You may aspire to pursue a specific job, romantic interest or, perhaps spiritual practice, but others around you discourage you. You will not receive support, but persecution.


For those in a relationship, it can mean that you will engage in power struggles and disagreements with your partner. The Seven of Wands predicts that your relationship will be filled with conflict and drama.

If this does not represent conflict between you and a partner, The Seven of Wands may predict that others may interfere in your relationship. They may try instigating conflicts between you, (perhaps by spreading false rumors about you).

If you’re single, The Seven of Wands means you may experience challenges dating others. You may find that those you date hold too different views so you can’t get along. It could indicate that you may become involved with someone who deliberately tries to provoke you or cause drama.


The person you are asking about feels that you are too difficult to get along with. It can indicate your person wants to get away from you because they see you as problematic.

Your person may feel defensive as well. They may believe you are always critical of them and feel a need to defend themselves against you.


The seven of wands signifies that you will need to fight to achieve success in your career. While it may indicate your passionate pursuit of your dreams, you will continuously have to prove yourself and demonstrate your abilities against others in order to establish yourself.

You may possess excellent ideas and aspirations, but others may doubt your ability to achieve them or even mock you for having such ambitions. It may seem like nobody around you believes in you.

However, if you persistently push, fight, and work hard, you will accomplish your goals. Let the seven of wands serve as motivation for you to continue striving to transform your dreams into reality.


Your competitors may try to call you out of discredit you get ahead in their own business. Your competitors will do their best to drag yours (and your business’ name) in the mud.

Your rivals will go to great lengths to undermine the credibility of your products, services, and business values, all in an effort to make a sale. They will attempt to convince potential customers that what they offer is superior to yours.

However, don’t let this discourage you. Remember that you, just like everyone else, have something unique to offer. Stay confident in yourself and your business. Use advertising campaigns to show why others should choose your products or services over your competitors.

The seven of wands emphasizes the importance of continuous promotion and presenting your business in the best possible way to attract customers.


The seven of wands predicts you will be fighting for financial security or a struggle to uphold your existing finances.

If you are an entrepreneur, you will need to discover innovative and clever methods to promote your products and services. This may prove to be challenging.

The seven of wands indicates that if you want a salary increase, you need to demonstrate your worthiness against your colleagues.

As a Blessing

The seven of wands signifies that you have unwavering determination and refuse to compromise on your beliefs and values. You are good at standing your ground.

The seven of wands suggests that you doggedly uphold your convictions. You are willing to fight for what you believe in no matter what others think and say. This can make others respect you.

As a Challenge

The seven of wands suggests that you may encounter opposition from others who seek to undermine you. It may seem like the whole world is against you.

You may experience a lack of support from those around you. Other individuals may express disapproval of your values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices. You might be tempted to give up on them to keep the peace.


The advice of the seven of wands is to firmly hold your ground and defend your beliefs, even in the face of opposition.

Yes, No or Maybe?

The Seven of Wands is usually a no.

When will it happen?

August 12th to August 22nd

Reversed Interpretations

Refer to the guide for reversals for help with interpretations.

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